Accuracy Systems, Inc. Click for the BBB Business Review of this Guns & Gunsmiths in Byers CO 1661 Behrens RD
Byers, Colorado 80103
Tel: (303) 822-6849 Fax: (720) 367-5095
E-Mail Us at
Accuracy Systems' location is not a retail/store front. It is a machine shop with dangerous machines running. For your safety we do not accept walk-ins. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT. THANKS.


Beginning on April 1, 2025, Colorado HB24-1349 requires a 6.5% excise tax on the sales of firearms and ammunition from the retail sale of any firearm, firearm precursor part, or ammunition in Colorado, in addition to sales tax. APPLICABLE TO COLORADO RESIDENTS ONLY

We are Sturm, Ruger & Company® Certified to work on your Ruger Mini 14® & 30® Rifles. You will no longer need to send your rifle to Ruger for restricted factory work. We can handle any factory replacement part work you are needing from firing pins to trigger components and more..... *All factory warranty issues will still need to be handled through Ruger® for now. Please keep in mind that we have been at the cutting edge of technology when it comes to the Mini 14® and Mini 30® rifles for many years.

Ruger Mini Tactical Barrel Conversions & New Tactical Rifle Packages

∗All conversions have an Accuracy Guarantee when Bedded

∗ Rifles pictured with available options toward middle of this page. ∗

Hello and welcome to our Ruger Mini Tactical conversion page. This page is long but filled with a lot of information about our accuracy conversions. Back in the 90’s when we started, we made it our goal to achieve the most accurate Mini conversions on the planet, bar none. We saw what other companies had to offer and thought to our self’s, we can do better. This didn't go over well with some companies, as you can see in their adverse advertising. We will be up front with you. We are not cheap! If you want a cheap conversion remember you get what you pay for. Do you want a Smith that does a few Mini’s a year with a prefabricated barrel, then installs the barrel and hopes it delivers the accuracy? Or do you want a company that makes the Mini their business and guarantees accuracy?! Cheap is not always better when it comes to accuracy. We know what the Mini’s weaknesses are through trial and error, you can't cut corners when it comes to accuracy! The Mini is well built and is worth every penny you spend with us to upgrade the rifle to match grade accuracy. We will review some comparisons between the popular AR 15 system and the Mini 14® system below.

The Mini 14® rifle system is a close copy of the Grand's receiver, bolt, and trigger group system. I don't have to tell you that it ends there, but they are still very similar. The Mini is a very tough, well built system as it is. It will take all the abuse you can dish out and still be depended on to function when you need it. Here is a quote from General George Patton:"The M1 is the best battle weapon ever developed." The outcome of WW II proves this rifle to be battle worthy. That is also why even to this very day our troops in Iraq & Afghanistan prefer the dependability of the M14 which is the M1's predecessor over the AR 15! But you say to yourself, why put $600 plus into a rifle I only paid $500 for. Well below are some good reasons. Not to mention, have you priced a new M14 lately? Yes, it does shoot a 308 Winchester compared to a 223 Remington. But it also weighs more, cost more and doesn't come with an accuracy guarantee unless you pay extra. Don't feel stuck with the 223 caliber either, we do offer other calibers to suit your needs.

MINI 14 & AR15 Comparisons

Mini 14 - No hot gases are dumped into the bolt. So the bolt is not over come by excessive heat! Also there is no carbon to build up and lock up the bolt!

AR15 - Hot gases are dumped into the bolt to say the least and carbon will build up if not regularly cleaned causing a malfunction and or cease to operate condition.

Mini 14 - All steel receiver and case hardened to a thickness of at least .020"

AR15 - 75% aluminum alloy with the critical parts steel

Mini 14 - Open bolt design is a close copy of the M14. The open bolt is very forgiving when it comes to dirt, dust or sand. The rifle clean or dirty just keeps ticking and ticking.

AR 15- Closed bolt design. Just ask our troops about the plastic baggies they need to use to keep the sand from jamming up there rifles.

Mini 14 - Self-cleaning gas system no buffer tube to collect moisture or dirt and lock up the buffer system.

AR 15- Must be field stripped to clean trigger compartment, Buffer system, Bolt & carrier and gas tube system.

Mini 14 - compact, versatile, and doesn't take up much space.

AR15 - Large bulky

Mini 14 - Field strips in seconds. Pop the trigger guard and the rifle practically dismantles it self.

AR 15- Definitely slower to disassemble.

Mini 14 - Now here the AR has an advantage over the Mini. Out of the box ACCURACY!

AR 15 - Out of the box ACCURACY!

Mini 14 - But here we can help! We can turn your Mini 14 into a rifle that will shoot right next to an AR15 after one of our conversions is completed. Now that we have discussed the pros and cons of the rifles you would have to say the Mini definitely has some advantages and we can take care of the disadvantages!

Accuracy Systems, Inc.

Accuracy Guarantee Specifications Chart

NOTE: All Guarantees are capable of better accuracy than listed:

Mini 14 Barrel Package Prices (You supplying your rifle)

Ultra Match Premium Package - Includes:

Price $899.99

Conservative Package Includes:

NOTE: The Conservative package applies only to the Mini 14.

Mini 30 Barrel Package Prices (You supplying your rifle)

Ultra Match Premium Package - Includes:

Price $899.99

Pictured Mini 14 Tactical Rifle Conversions

All rifles below are examples of what can be built on your Supplied rifle. Remember we can mix, and match any item seen below to accommodate your needs and budget.

Ruger Mini SCAR Tactical
Ruger Mini SCAR Tactical Rifle
Order #301 Mini - Built on your rifle action $1799.99

ASI Tactical Fluted Ranch Rifle with Linear Quiet Muzzle Brake
ASI Tactical Fluted Ranch Rifle Linear Quiet Muzzle Brake
Order #302 - Built on your rifle action $1713.87

New Complete Mini 14 .750" x 16.5" plus Flash hider
Long range version with linear compensator Muzzle Quiet Brake Same price
1) Long range version with linear compensator @ Muzzle (Quiet Brake)

Long range version with linear compensator Muzzle Quiet Brake Same price
Shown with hand guard removed.

Long range version with linear compensator Muzzle Quiet Brake Same price
2) California legal Version .750" x 18"

Long range version with linear compensator Muzzle Quiet Brake Same price
Long range version with linear compensator Muzzle Quiet Brake Same price
3) Shown .850" x 18.5" version, No front sight. 3 port Maxi brake.

Long range version with linear compensator Muzzle Quiet Brake Same price
4) Shown .750" x 20" version with three blade front sight (Same price)

Long range version with linear compensator Muzzle Quiet Brake Same price
Order #303 - Built on your rifle action $1708.00

6.8Rem SPC or 223Rem
Sub Minute of Angle 100 yards 6.8Rem SPC or 223Rem. Sub Minute of Angle 100 yards 6.8Rem SPC or 223Rem.
Order #304 - Built on your rifle action $1339.98

LOADED EDITION MINI 14 OR 30 TACTICAL RIFLE LOADED EDITION MINI 14 OR 30 TACTICAL RIFLE Order #305 - Built on your rifle action $1573.95.

Complete Mini 14 or 30 Ranch Model
Order #306 - Built on your rifle action $1619.98

Order #307 - Built on your rifle action $1267.00

Ruger Mini 14 or Mini 30 Black Steel Ranch Rifle
Ruger Mini 14 or Mini 30 Black Steel Ranch Rifle
Order #308 - Built on your rifle action $1741.97

Ruger Mini 14, Mini 30 or 6.8SPC Ranch Rifle
Ruger Mini 14, Mini 30 or 6.8SPC Ranch Rifle (Sub-MOA)
Order #309 - Built on your rifle action $1998.97

BAD MINI Offered in 223, 7.62x39 & 6.8SPC
Accuracy Systems Inc BAD MINI Accuracy Systems Inc BAD MINI
Order #310 - Built on your rifle action $1499.99

Accuracy Systems Inc Custom Mini 14 Mini 30 Rifle
Accuracy Systems Inc Custom Mini 14 Mini 30 Rifle
Order #311 - Built on your rifle action $1240.00

Accuracy Systems Inc Custom Mini 14 Mini 30 Rifle Accuracy Systems Inc Custom Mini 14 Mini 30 Rifle
Order #312 - Built on your rifle action $1930

Accuracy Systems Inc Custom Mini 14 Mini 30 Rifle
Order #313 - Built on your rifle action $1170

Accuracy Systems Inc Custom Mini 14 Mini 30 Rifle
Order #314 - Built on your rifle action $1194.00

Accuracy Systems Inc Custom Mini 14 Mini 30 Rifle
Order #315 - Built on your rifle action $1250

Tactical MINI Offered in 223, 7.62x39 & 6.8SPC
Accuracy Systems Tactical Mini 14 30 Order #316 - Built on your rifle action $1619.97

Accuracy Systems Tactical Mini 14 30 Order #317 - Call for Details & Pricing
Accuracy Systems Tactical Mini 14 30 Order #318 - Call for Details & Pricing
Accuracy Systems Tactical Mini 14 30 Order #319 - Call for Details & Pricing
Accuracy Systems Tactical Mini 14 30 Accuracy Systems Tactical Mini 14 30 Accuracy Systems Tactical Mini 14 30 Order #320 - Call for Details & Pricing
Accuracy Systems Tactical Mini 14 30 Order #321 - Call for Details & Pricing


Accuracy Systems' location is not a retail/store front. It is a machine shop with dangerous machines running. For your safety we do not accept walk-ins. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT. THANKS.

Hours of operation are Monday thru Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Mountain Time Zone
(Closed Saturday & Sunday)

All prices stated in this web site are subject to change without notice.

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